In lovng memory
Arluk's Cinnamon Sundance HIC, TT, CGC
This page is dedicated to the memory of the founding Siberian
of Arcticsun's kennel. Named after her parents, Ch Sierra
Sundance and Am Can Ch Sierra Cinnamon Sass, She continued a
proud tradition. She was the Queen of the kennel, the Lady of the
mannor, but we all knew her as Hawke.
Hawke was affectionate, gentle, and quite possibly the most intelligent dog we have ever known. She could figure out how to escape from the most "dog-proof" kennels we could find in a matter of minutes. And to her it wasn't simply a matter of climbing the fences or jumping over them. Hawke would actuially figure out how to manipulate and undo the latches. She was a talker, ready to discource at length on any subject.
An incredably devoted mother, Hawke laid the foundations for our kennel today. Her pups have been among the most beautiful dogs we can think of, and she reared them more gently than most humans probably could have. She lived a long, happy life and had a peaceful retirement right to the end. We will miss her dearly and remain in our memory forever.
She has crossed the rainbow bridge and now dreams, awaiting the time when we will all be together again.
Hawke, we miss you.
Contact us!
Shannon de Bruin BSc Ag
Lauren de Bruin BA
11524-37B Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T6J 0K3
Our New Phone number is 780-298-7747(H/W)
copyrite Arcticsun 1998-2010